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I'm not sure if this is the build's problem or if it's just my laptop but the characters just appear as a white silhouette. I'm on Mac if that helps.

the software doesn't support mac with m1 chips rn, they arw woorking to resolve the porblem 

(1 edit) (+8)(-3)

Delete this or not, up to you. However deleting this kind of proves a point.

I currently have 37 minutes of play-time. Within those 37 minutes, I took a dump, cooked and ate my supper.

Now I normally don't like to make 'bashing' comments, however I feel this project needs it. Since it is presented in a way, plus actual playing the "Demo", that looks like it's just another of a scheme:"Gimme money I'll (maybe) give worthwhile content. Oh, and you only get 5min worth of half-assed Prologue to decide."


0.2.0 - free

0.3.0 - $3 USD (All)

0.3.5 - $5 USD (Mac and Linux) $10 USD (PC)

0.4.0 - $10 USD (All)

I'm all for charging/paying for projects that are worth it...however with the price increase per .5 build increase, AND the fact that the 0.3.5 build discriminates PC's to pay more for the same build, this project comes nowhere near close.

Hell, the "Demo" version has all of ONE smexy time, maybe 2 or 3 times where the player can Actively choose a few things, and the rest is made up of VN stuff that the player has to sit through without input other than constantly clicking the arrow to advance conversations.

The other story-type elements on the screen can't be interacted with (Inventory and Quest buttons, etc.). I'd say saving/loading could do with a little work, except with little, I mean: If you forget to save (Manually) and go too far, you need to start all over from where you did save. Meaning since the demo is so short people wouldn't even think of saving (yet) unless they normally save every min. or so.

And it doesn't help that the only way you even know where to save, is if you press (ESC) to get the menu to adjust the sound.

Unfortunately, I could go on to at least 3 times currently written so far, but I wasted enough time on  this project as it is.


There was an error in the price indeed build cost 5 dollars. Thanks for noticing!


I totally agree, it really looks like that scheme. Played the 0.2.0 demo once, and got disappointed by how short it is.


At this point, I only check updates to this thing for shits and giggles. I always give developers a ton of deference, so you can believe me when I say that I don't make this sort of comment lightly: these guys seriously suck.

Sorry for replying to a 2 month old comment, if that sort of thing bothers you, by the way.

Does anyone know where the symbol for the potion craft class is in the auditorium?

When I try to open the 0.4.0 file it does not let me. What can I do? I'm on mac

You need to

launch Terminal, then type or copy/paste

chmod +x [including a space after the x]

then drag the app you need to change the perms straight onto the Terminal window, which will fill in the correct path

hit Backspace once, as the last task will add an unnecessary space

Then you need to add the sub-path to the actual executable inside the app, so copy this & paste it onto the end of your current Terminal line /Contents/MacOS/*

Hit Enter

Thank you very much! It works now!


np mate, glad to help


Well I can hardly fault a project with such clear effort for being a simple demo, and then charging for the full product. 

But I gotta say, it ended very abruptly. I can't say whether I'd be interested in making a purchase or not. I might recommend you let the demo get to whatever the gameplay loop might be. Providing there is one. See that's the problem with the current publicly available content, I have no idea what shape the game actually will take, the description promises more than a simple VN, but I didn't experience any of that. Show me the systems.

As I'm not interested in a pure VN, I'm not interested in making a purchase, cheap or not, you dig? Throw the player into a quick slice of a gameplay loop for the demo, story alone isn't enough, especially considering how little of that there was as well. 

But what's here seems quality enough. Text flows well, characters look good, backgrounds look good, the porn was quality porn. I enjoyed the worldbuilding that took place. So I can recommend that people give it a try.


I remember when you released 0.3.5 and someone asked you about the monetization of your project you stated that when a new build was getting released it would push the previous one down a prize tier.

The release of 0.4 proved that to be a lie.
Great ethics on your part, maybe this project will land you a job at EA.

Let's wait, say 48 hours (minus the time that already passed since the release) to see their word is still upholded


Welp, as you can see...Nothing has changed 

(1 edit)


Being hopeful is not advisable in nowadays game's releases...

Well, it is now.


Сейчас версия на Андроид имеет версию 3.0. Стоит ли ждать последнюю версию для ланнлй платформы ?

Deleted 1 year ago

What model of Android is needed to play this game?


Deleted post

use win-rar & 7-zip to extract it.


in short,  if you are a f2p player, don't  waste your time with it.


No textspeed option is an instant disqualification

for any game with VN elements.

Ontop of that the game does not use num-enter,

cant be window-maximised and does not run in background.


disappointed that there was only one scene and 1 nude image. seems like it could be good but the save is broken and there is not enough content


I got one scene and the game told me I completed all the quests. Is there something I'm missing? I'm on Android.


Is there NTR ?

netori, Yes. [stealing/physical with another mans woman] No netorare though. [Another man being physical with your woman/women]

This is the best 18+ game i have played so far! The music... The animation... No word can describe them! Please, if there is any link i can download the game's soundtrack from, don't hesitate to share. And also, PLEASE! Add the 0.3.5 version to android.

Deleted 2 years ago
(1 edit)

I know you're Russian, and i excuse you for finding difficulty in writing, but i can't understand what you said. What's "Port can't?"


he cant port it to android in one button


For some reason when I try to open the 0.3.5 file it does not let me. Any way to fix this? I'm on mac


I have couple of bugs to report. 

1. When I try to play the potions minigame (marble madness type game) for the third time, the controls freeze after 2 or 3 marble connections. I can't click on anything, except menu options. The timer continues on and when it reaches zero nothing happens. I can't continue the game from this point on.

2. I can't save a game properly. There's a weird delay when saving manually and the old save from the load options doesn't change to the new save right away. It takes several minutes when it's successful and and it doens't work everytime.


I wish there was a list of fetishes included somewhere.


there is a major problem with loading the game after new update 3.5 whenever you attempt to load the game from any point beyond the initial intro of the game (including the Wip pr0louge skip) the game will not play it sits on the current screen if you load a save file ( i made save file on the 3.5 update as well and it is also not accessible after closing the game) and the skip prologue wip feature soft locks the game on a grey screen. 

how do you get the 3rd scene? i have tried everything, but i don't know if i missed something.

Free but has the best quality! Buuut, the dialogues are pretty (*robotic error sound efx) and needs to improve


Does the free build end at the racoon?


Same happened to me too

One of the best game i have ever played

Dev Tophouse, do you plan to publish your game on steam?

Yes, but later.

Need Help.

I can Download and convert the .rar file but when I open the Wanderer Start program, it dosnt start the game..........

for a short sec a mini screen flickers, but thats it

-> how can i play ?

0.2 version worked well on my mac, but after decompressing  0.3.5, the game file opens as txt file

I had the same issue. If you scroll down the messages a bit you will find my solution to this problem. 

(1 edit)

If you want, let me know if the 0.3.5 runs well on your mac. I found a lot of bugs playing, including corrupted save files.

Tried Your solution, but unfortunately it didn't work for me. I guess I'll wait for dev fix. Still, thanks for Your input :)

i cant run the game at all on pc


I paid $5 for the game and it wont let me download any thing other than the 0-2-0 build for windows?


So, still no download fix for those who bought the game?

(1 edit)

This game looks good but its just going to be a nukige in the end.  Every other aspect is all style and fluff. 


Strangely, after the dialogue with the raccoon, the game ends. But this is almost only the beginning of the game. It seems like the version of the game is 0.2 and the content is exactly 5 minutes.

Подскажите кто-нибудь у меня после первого диалога с енотом выходит окно с ссылками на патрон и Дискорд!

 Но оно ни как не уходит у меня андроид версия 0.2.0

значит кончилась версия

(1 edit) (+1)

Anyone knows how to open save/load menu in pc version? There's no gear icon in top left to open that menu 

I'm having the same issue, help please!

How do you unlock the third scene? (threesome)

When is the v0.3.5 coming for Android

Try joiplay

Joiplay can not launch unity games


I've been really impatient these days, my fault!

I totally forgot that this is unity, I'm not used to it.

The Dev is already posting stuff about the next update, so I doubt there's going to be a 3.5 version of Android. You'd be better off spending your time or money elsewhere.

(1 edit)

yeah, I am and will still be waiting rather then pay money, I mean.. I've been waiting for a while now, and I am not willing to risk paying for something that may not be worth it.

Well, we'll have to wait for the update

with inpatient I meant, that I didn't notice that this was a unity game.

I can wait for updates, even if it takes 2 years.

Waiting for this game to release, i want to donate so bad but my broke ass wallet said no so i hope that this game goes well.

Why isn't a Android 3.5 versir


Why are you trying to run games on Android 3.5?

Btw, I live android 3.5 , what phone do you have?


Bro he is asking about 0.3.5 version of this game FOR android


Damn, I totally oversaw that.

This so damn great!

(2 edits)

Art is nice and it has potential. I would not mind the lack of contents because I understand that is an early stage, but the last release is way to buggy and even saving often will not help you because the saves are often broken. Also, I really hope that you are going to add a gallery to rewatch the scenes in the next release.

There is already gallery, and if I may ask where is the "Potioncraft Icon'?

where is the gallery? I don't see it in the menu.

Its on the Top left man the smaller book below the bottons.

Thanks, but after a few seconds browsing that menu, my computer always has a critical error and turns off on its own.

I don't know about the potions, the game crashed when I try to talk with that character.

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