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So payed for the $3 version about a year ago, now that the 4.7 shows its $3, it doesnt show I can download it.

I think it's because of selling price. The initial price of v0.4.7 is $5.


Anyone know how to pass the  "ordinary book-fetch" im at the bookshelf and i can grab books but wont let me put in my bag or anything....

have you got past it I can't

have you gotten past ordinary book fecth yet I can't

yes i have


I got stuck there too...can u teach how


What is the order of the 6 books?



Add the game to your wishlist on Steam!

A lifetime purchase? Or do I need to purchase every update?


On Itch - lifetime but if the price will not change in te future

How to get owl feathers?

Hello, you can ask in discord chat, and they have already asked such a question, you can find the answer ; )

Link in the site doesn't work.


its in the old man wizzards office

Is the launcher mandatory or can we install on itch

Free build you can download in the launcher
And you can download new builds in any convenient way (directly or through the launcher)

So I will have to pay everytime I want to get the latest build, correct?

No, you can download the next versions builds if you already paid before the same price

So if you increase the price in the future, I would have to buy it again, correct?


Stuck at loading screen on debian testing.

Pressing backspace fixes it.

Were is Marias bra i cant find it anywhere

Should be in ???'s Room ( the room on the left inside the dinning hall )


Has the game started yet? Is it still the prologue story?

(1 edit)

Please help. I update the android version but I'm still stuck in THE PROPHECY mission. 

(1 edit)

ask in our discord server

Pls can you send discord link, link in the site doesn't work.


What are the cheat code's?


Subscribe on Patreon page

any plans on a female mc?

no in the near future

playing on mac, launcher doesnt work. i get a java script error.

Screenshot please

Im on android and I cant get any sex scenes. Is it because its still at 0.3.0 or do I just suck

(1 edit)

Whys is android on 0.3.0 while the others are on 0.4.5


Oh this is  my first time seeing this game, the design looks the same from the game 'what a legend' .


pls help i can't find maria dirty laundry

Vanessa glitches out after cleaning the room and Isabella glitches out after duel and both won't talk to mc on pc version, anyone got an idea on how to fix this? 


someone knows test answers?


I don't understand what to do, every time I complete a mission I always feel like I walk around aimlessly trying to find a new one and just now I can't get anymore missions and I've  completed up to the "Unconventional medicine" mission after "Here comes Amelie"


I was waiting for the a android version and now it is available to buy. I am excited.


Не можу завантажити версію 5 на android думав може технічні роботи але вже 12 годин пройшло

I like the Star Wars reference


can u make one thats just a zip

im waiting so long for android ver...


coming soon, wait a bit time

(1 edit)

the launcher launches itself every time i turn on my pc, it bothers me, so i decided to uninstall the launcher. the problem is that i can't uninstall it, i'm on windows, help please! ps: i know it's not polite to ask for this kind of thing but it's also my pc for work so it's rather annoying for me

Deleted 1 year ago

technical works

Deleted post

try again

Deleted post

0/10 just dont work

my progress got wiped randomly cos of auto save error


Can you Update your Android Version Please how many weeks or months i've waiting when update in android version as you please Update As Soon As Possible


most likely the end of June


Yo how the fuck do you do the book puzzle


(1 edit)

How do u even complete that book level  when u enter the dungeon  looking thing i cant kill the stone dude how would i complete  it


You gotta do it in the order that the Star Wars movies came out in


456123? what does that mean? I tried moving the original to that and it didn't work


Does a user just need to pay the extra $1 to get access to the new version, or do they need to pay the full $11?

If a user needs to spend the full $11 just to get the new version, I think that is a bit unfair.

Anyone know how to get 7th scene?

0.47D's download link is broken



Thank you

Deleted 1 year ago
(1 edit) (+1)

You can't, because the price for newest Version has been increased to 11$, since you paid 10$ you are below that and don't get the newest Version right away.
Edit: Price got changed back to 10$


Can't open it at all. Already fully downloaded 0.4.5 on the launcher, but every time I try to play it, it does this short 4.62mb download, just stops around 99% (I have to pause then continue for it to reach 100%) a loading bar pops up for maybe half a second, disappears, and then nothing happens. And when I try to play it again, the same thing happens. 

Me too. Every time you try to open it, the game Prosess bar loads to 25%, then it will flash back and nothing happens.

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